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CJID sets to convene media stakeholders for the Journalism, Digital Tech, and AI Dialogue

By Adeyemi Okediran

May 26, 2024

The Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID) is set to host the Journalism, Digital Tech, and AI Dialogue from May 26 to May 28, 2024. This event will convene journalists, media stakeholders, technologists and civil society organizations to discuss how rapid advancements in technology and artificial intelligence are reshaping the way news and information are told and consumed.

This event represents a crucial platform for knowledge exchange and collaborative problem-solving, fostering a future where technology and journalism coexist harmoniously to serve the public interest as the media industry navigates this innovation of technological advancements.

The dialogue is expected to be in different sessions. CJID Director of programmes, Akintunde Babatunde will moderate the global AI landscape and the opportunities for Nigeria (Africa) panel, communicator and digital campaigner, Nkem Agunwa will moderate the AI, deep fake and disinformation landscape panel, and Head of programmes, News Central, Tolulope Adeleru-Balogun will be moderating the panel for the current state of AI and digital transformation in media and cso practice in Nigeria.

The speakers at the event include renowned media professionals and technology innovators, Iyin Aboyeji, Future Africa; Joshua Olufemi, Founder and CEO, Dataphyte; Femi D. Amele, Programmes Director, Dataphyte; Dr Olusola Ayoola, chief executive officer, Robotics and artificial intelligence Nigeria (RAIN); Adaora Ikenze, META; Adejuwon Soyinka, Editor, The Conversation; Silas Jonathan, Research manager, DAIDAC; David Ajokobi, Editor, Africa Check; Hannah Ajakaiye, Editor, FactsMatter NG; Tsema Ede, Project lead, joint civic defense fund; Anita Eboigbe, Chief of staff, Big Cabal Media; Kehinde Olateru, Co-founder and CEO, ZeroComplex AI, and Fuad Lawal, Founder, Archive NG who will share insights and case studies from their experiences for a better engagement. 

“AI will disrupt how we do a lot of things. While it will come with a lot of job loss in some sectors, the good news is that it will come with a lot of new jobs. Those who will enjoy the revolution are those who join the train and up-skill to fit,” this was stated by Akintunde while speaking with News Central TV.

The highlight of the event will be the launching of two innovative tech tools namely DUBAWA Audio Platform and Chatbot by CJID through its verification and factchecking platform, DUBAWA aimed at enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of fact-checking processes. According to CJID, this innovation which is supported by Google News Initiative is coming at a time when bad actors are leveraging tech innovations around the world to improve their skills and strategies.

DUBAWA Audio is an AI-powered tool deployed to facilitate the claim-sourcing aspect of the fact-checking process. As such, this tool was carefully designed to automatically listen to your radio programmes, transcribe them and extract verifiable claims, saving journalists, researchers, fact-checkers and other users valuable time.

The DUBAWA Chatbot was built to provide answers to everyday questions regarding viral misinformation. It is useful in reducing the spread of harmful and misleading content online, providing results and references on a range of topics from multiple sources.